Thursday, July 31, 2008

TOm bANNacH mannoth thermotron


bannach the blasphimer has been working with such equipment

for over 35 years.

normanly it only takes a year and a half of training at Ferris state University to perform this fun--c--tion..

Tom started at Thermotron (Holland, Michigan, where he currently resides) in 1968.

During that time he drummed out many of his co-workers and after druming out jeff shulti who was the mid-west manager .. ( talk 2 tom patterson or dick alverson)

TOM rose to West Coast Service Manager/dispatcher (lier and slander) where he defrauded over 90% of his co-workers and drummed them out..

He encouraged everyone to be dishonest and deceiteful, and embezzles a little bit every day.. and he bragged that every one would believe his lies..

(Call up dean tripp in framington new mexico) a long time thermotron employee as dean may tell you they (thermotron)like people who steal and lie..
thay way they are( 1 of them ) and they then have something to (hold over them)

as Fred Plont said about tom bannach "He left the west coast in "SHAMBLES"

and then to corporate Training Supervisor, responsible for the technical training
of 0 (zero) service engineers BUT SERVICE TECHNICIANS.. .

tom would say about his co workers when he worked on the west coast..

i couldn't even spell en-gin-e-er and nOw i iS oNe !!

Now actually tom bannach was not responsible for anything..


If U asked tom for help on the west coast his reply wasj

1. no one else askes me questions ( why are U)??

2. I don't know

3. That's your job..

4. It is your job to train the less skilled employee.

5. It's ok to lie to the customer.

(ASK HARRY GRACE about that (one of the many replacements) (or maybe dan deperts out of seattle .. he lasted almost 1 year)

or Hil sysbesma..who is with tenny now.(he says he has the same "problem" )

ask Jerry Sinzaks wife ( the nurse) told me thermotron likes to give Out TITLES. Instead of money for raises.

Gregory V Johnson really liked tom... because as "tom's" false wittness and thief and liar" he was able to steal and rob his co-workers.. and the customer..
tom let him have his way..

he was a thermotron PET!

gregory v johnson .. bragged how much he embezzled .. and that he was not as big of thief as hil sysbesma .. tom bannash's holland buddy.. and they went to each others church..

Now hil .. bragges that embezzlement and the like is not stealing ..

it's called :WORKING THE SYSTEM"

hil sysbesma was another one of the clans.. who would lie to his co-workers and lead them astray.. to help "build a case against them"

When Hil .. hired a guy to replacement Mike Gillio, (who tom drummed out)..

that replacement lasted about 1 month..

he said WELLL I TOLD HIM THAT THERE WAS A LOT OF "on the job training

hil is another .. with NO TRAINING IN ANYTHINg .. except .. lying and embezzlement

John tenbrink was another one.. who when he backstabbed his co-workers at thermotron and ESPEC ..

he would say "Old Bob Wiley " IS AS SMART AS A FOX"(to hide his backstabbing lying)

I was stuck with that low-life for 9 months on a job.. ..

john found that no one else would hire him except Bob-less wiley..

who told john that it ws "Ok to lie about what was happening on a job"

so long as U didn't get BoB-less in trouble..

ALSO Mitch Kerr of ALLTEMPENG fame told me that He knew that thermotron employe's under tom bannach's management were backstabbers and slanders and thieves..

ask roger cannary.. the national service manager.. He and TOM were asked by employee's .. "what was thermotron budget's for thief and embezzlement..or dave waterfield.. as i told him.. the west coast was a DEN OF LIARS AND THIEVES when tome bannach was there!!

these are just 4 of the holland "clans" where U can see the generational pervert curse..

Now jesus says it would be better if a rock was put around his neck and he was thrown into the lake..

and that because hil and tom and the others ,.. teach that it is "OK" to lie, cheat and steal.. the best that they will be is called the "least" in the Kingdom of God"!!
unless they don't repent and then they will go to HELL,ck out U-tube to see that place

but this is typical of a "Holland Michigan Whore" or DUTCH AND CHRISTIAN .. MICHIGAN

their churches are empty.. of the real presence of yahwah..

and they have "itching ears"

tom bannach did tell me he tried 2 work somewhere else in california.. but that they wanted him to work 2 hard.. so he "BEGGED" bob LESS wiley for a job again...

Disciple Lyrics
Backstabber LyricsHow to Deal With Backstabbers

They might say they're your 'best friends', but the moment your back is turned,
they lie about you to others.

No one wants to be hurt in this way, but how do deal with them?. Perhaps the following tips can help.

[edit] Steps

All backstabbers share a common denominator;

they all want something from you.

Whether it is money, homework, a house to trash, your computer, your style, practically anything, varies from person to person.

Be aware of your surroundings.

If you have a bad feeling about somebody, listen to your instincts!

Pay attention to red flags.

If somebody betrays you, don't trust that person again without extensive consideration.

If the other person doesn't have friends of his or her own, there may be a reason. Perhaps other people know something that you don't.

If someone is mean to you one minute and nice to you the next, there is definitely something wrong.

If someone is too aggressive or tries too hard to sell you on something, he or she is likely setting you up.

Trust your real friends. They're here to help you.

Notice the other person's work ethic.

If he or she is lazy and irresponsible, stay away from the person as far as anything that requires hard work goes.

If you work hard, he or she will use you in a heartbeat!

Notice how he treats things you care about. For instance if you really care that your room is clean, and after you've explained this to him he still comes over, throws his backpack on the ground, takes his shoes off in the middle of the room and so on; this means he doesn't really care about you.

Try to detect from an early stage what the backstabber is interested in sucking from you.

If the backstabber persists in pestering you, either ignore him or tell him dispassionately that you do not want to do (insert activity here).

Be polite, but extremely firm. If they detect a weakness in your firmness, they will try as hard as they can to puncture it.

[edit] Tips

Get away from these people as soon as possible and convince others not to associate with them.

Don't hesitate to ask questions.

If somebody seems shady in any perspective, ask them about it but pay close attention to their answers.

More often than not, they will try to pull one over you.
There is a difference between friends and acquaintances.

This means that even though he might be fun to talk at in classroom or at lunch, he might not be the kind of person you would like to hang out with after school.

Don't rely on the backstabber for anything; even the tiniest of things. In this way, you will avoid situations where you owe him/her a favor. This technique takes patience, practice and goes completely against your better nature.

The backstabber will get the hint and move on the next sucker/victim.

Also do not tell them any secret that you want kept hidden, as they will tell it to another one of their "friends" the moment it will gain them something.
Treat him/her like you would any other snake.

Be polite when in his/her area but keep to the path, and maintain your distance.
Make sure not to reduce to his level by saying untrue and bad things about him behind his back (this is a huge no-no!) as it will only spur him to action against you.

When seeking justified revenge from the backstabber, take time to closely observe their antics and policies.

When the opportunity comes along- fool them into their own game but do it with style and grace.

Make sure you're not going against your own values and self-worth in the process.

[edit] Warnings

Never let the backstabber know that he/she has gotten to you.

Do not underestimate his power.

Try not to offend or hurt him, but be merely polite and refuse him anything he asks that you are not willing to give.

Do not get angry when he backstabs you. Realize from the start it will happen eventually.

Don't form any deep relationship with him. He'll suck you dry.

Be careful when you talk to backstabbers, they might be recording you.

Don't talk to the backstabbers friends, they could be spies.

Paramore Lyrics
Thats What You Get Lyrics

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

believe in what U will

Ya SURE... when i worked at thermotron.. i believed ..that their JOB is to DECEIVE..

.. THEIS IS WHY .. when tom bannach told his INNER circle .. it was ok to LIE, cheat and steal.. he got his instructions.. and OK.. from dan J Okeefe... and Roger cannary.. and dave water filed.. and BoB-less Wiley...

i sure would't believe anything ..tamera kennedy.. has to say..

tom patterson .. said .. HR is just a bunch of lying rubber stamps

Welcome to Believe In

This site is a place where people can share their
stories of fate. It's also a place where we enabled people
to help shape the future of how we interact with the world
around us. If you haven't already seen the video of Scott
and Emma, you can watch it by clicking here.

This website and Scott and Emma's story have been made
possible through the sponsorship of a company that makes limited
edition clothing called rare|wear.

We gave people the chance to vote about what they thought should
happen with stories like these: Should companies make stories and websites
like these, or should they stick to normal ads? We asked whether they
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to these questions are now published on the site for you to see.

Most importantly though, enjoy reading people's stories about
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that time of the month?

The Other Time of the Month
Your menstrual cycle can affect you in some surprising ways.
By Charlene Laino
WebMD FeatureYeah, yeah, we've all heard the jokes about "that time of the month," when our hormones are so out of whack that we might as well be on the all-Twinkie diet. The teasing might be funny (or not) but the misery is real: bloating, cramping, mood swings, and more.

But did you know that the rise and fall in hormones that drives our menstrual cycle affects just about every part of our body all month long? And the period around ovulation -- when estrogen levels zoom -- can really hit us in some unexpected ways.

We call it "the other time of the month."

That was a joke 4 thumbs up
What one says after the awkward pause that follows his or her having said something incredibly stupid and usually unfunny. Can be substituted with "I was joking."
We oughta burn down the public library and build a giant casino because that would balance the budget. *Awkward pause.* That was a joke.

that takes the biscut 2 up, 7 down
A term of exasperation or disbelief
Did you see what he just did, well that takes the biscut.

Monday, July 28, 2008

what 2 Do with a thermotron liar?

Don't believe it .. U fOOl ... when U R talking to a thermotron employee.. U r talking .. to a liar ..

Once again, resumé lie snags serial liar - Work in Progress ...Sep 14, 2007 ... Once again, resumé lie snags serial liar .... are the victims of gangstalking who suffer severe harrassement and sabotage in their work, ... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages

In love with a liar

Dear Sasha: I’m at a loss about how to confront a trust issue with my live-in thermotron boyfriend of two years. I’m 24, he’s 25. My last boyfriend broke my heart when he cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend. That experience left me with some trust issues, and they are starting to affect my relationship now.

My current thrmotron boyfriend and I gave each other our e-mail passwords (printing out e-mails for each other, retrieving information etc). About eight months ago, while I was in his inbox on legitimate grounds, I noticed e-mail from a girl he had a three-day fling with while he was in HOLLland before we got together. What I found nearly made me sick—lots of flowery language about how attractive she was, and I was referred to as “the girl” in one of the e-mails.

I came clean to him that night. He was angry, but said that I was silly for worrying, and that I was the only girl he was madly in love with, and if he wanted to be with someone else, he would be. Fast-forward eight months. Last week, I noticed he got a MySpace account. In the confirmation e-mail was his password. I logged on as him, and saw a string of messages that he initiated to this girl, along the lines of how cute she was, then saying how aroused he was by her looks, then asking for her e-mail information and asking if she’d like to add him to MSN Messenger.

I love this man and he says he loves me too. When this happened last time, he said I’d have to trust him that this wouldn’t happen again, but I’ve discovered that I can’t. I want to confront him about this, but I don’t want him to know how I found out because I think that would sabotage everything. —Amanda

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How To Backpedal, Spin, and Dodge

I didn't want to lie BUT they told me 2

it's just part of the job

How To Backpedal, Spin, and Dodge

interview with tamer kennedy

thermotron interview

screw with U 2

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

thermotron management

Recap TV News Morning of 9/11 - Why We Took the Bait

I hear about Uuuuu
thermotron training
Monster Face

holland logic is bible based

Monty Python The Holy Grail
Sexy Kelly Bundy Boobs VS Freddie Krueger - geile fich up

Nightmare with wet dreams in a Dr Lucifer fantasy world.
src=",t=1,mt=video" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Cooking on LSD - Munchies for 4:20

the devil town holland michigan

thermotron will give U pOOp

Does iron tablets make poop black?

i know internal bleeding does.

My grandfather just began taking 325mg of iron and his stool is really black, could the iron be doing that to him?


Three 6 Sea Thief

i can't help myself.. can U help?

gee lets ask fred plont..? we know he is a liar!!

I can't help myself!

Monday, July 21, 2008

field service employment

field serivce at thermotron is the opportunity to visit other company's to see where U really want to work and PARTY.. just look at employment at thermotron as a party job... because it really dosn't matter if U do a good job or ont.. and the more U do the more U have to do... call up tome bannach.. at mammoth ... he might tell U

what to do in field service with your day..

rememberr it's only a job@!!!.. N U R there for the ck..

have fun... ask john tenbrink .. at envirotronics.. .. he was quite the party man!!
How To Play the Field

All hail - the new king in town
Young and old, gather 'round (yeah)
Black and white, red and green (funky)
The funkiest man U've ever seen

Tell U what his name is
Partyman, partyman
Rock a party like nobody can
Rules and regulations - no place in his nation
Partyman, partyman

Party people - say it now: YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!
Somebody holler if U wanna party

"Ladies and gentlemen, no pictures, please!"

Get it up, oh yeah
Partyman, partyman
Get it up, get it up

"Ooh, I love purple"

I rock the party, I rock the house
I rock the whole world, north, east and south
In the west - 17 horns blowin'

Partyman, partyman
(Lose me now boy)
Get it up
All hail the new king in town

Ain't nothin' but a muffin
We gotta lotta butter 2 go
(Y'say aye, an' I like ya 'way, but don't come now)
And if it break when it bend
U better not put it in - uh

Giddy up
(Ride 'em boy)
Partyman, partyman
Partyman, partyman

Young and old, gather 'round
Everybody hail the new king in town

how 2 fake it .. U 2... thermotron employment

can U tell if temra kennedy is FAKING It?

She is good at being a professional
How To Fake an Orgasm

just take your time.. at thermotron ,.. the slow "roll" is the answer
How To Pull Off the Office Bathroom Prank

Thursday, July 17, 2008

ask John tenbrink

ya john tenbrink.. when he would backstabb his co-workers.. he would say

"OLD Bob .. is as smart as a fOx."

because bob told his inner circle to lie to the customer to get them to sign off on the equipment.. tell them we will cover it under "warrenty"

and that it ws OK to lie to him about what was going on.. so long as U didn't get HIM in trouble!!!

He trained tom bannach the same way..!!

Now "i" is an eNGiNeeR

this ws typical of tom bannach.... he even says in his resume that he trained engineer's ...

what a bunch of BUll ShIT..

read a book by Ann RAnd.. Atlas shrugged, or the fountainhead..

written 30 years ago.. a story .. of how .. "Do Nothing people survive in corporate life.. Atlas Shrugged: Ayn Rand: BooksAtlas Shrugged is one of two major novels that outlines her entire philosophy while trying to show how it would be applied. That is why this book deserves a ... - 285k - 7 hours ago - Cached - Similar pages

Atlas Shrugged is a novel by Ayn Rand, first published in 1957 in the United States. It was Rand's last work of fiction before concentrating her writings exclusively on philosophy, politics and cultural criticism.

At over one thousand pages in length, she considered it her magnum opus.[1] Also, at approximately 645,000 words, Atlas Shrugged is one of the longest novels ever written in any European language. The book explores a number of philosophical themes that Rand would subsequently develop into the philosophy of Objectivism.

A poll revealed that Atlas Shrugged was voted the most influential book in readers' lives after the Bible.[2][3

Ass-Kisser Promoted

PROVIDENCE, RI—The age-old practice of brown-nosing was rewarded yet again Monday with the promotion of ass-kissing toady Howard MacInnis, an assistant district account manager for the consulting firm of Hayes, Murdoch & Fenn, to the position of regional manager.

MacInnis, 33, a longtime sweet-talker known for his tenacity and perseverance in the boot-licking field, received a 15 percent salary increase as well as a corner office and an upgraded luxury-model company car as part of the promotion, which he calls "the culmination of an intensive campaign of shameless glad-handing and insincere admiration that I have been pursuing in earnest for more than four years."

Said MacInnis, "There were those who said that my lack of original ideas and relentless flattery of superiors would hold me back. But I am living proof that fawning yes-men do succeed in this world."

A Software Engineer Named Tiny

Talk about wasting time on the job.

Tiny has got to be the king of pissing away hours every day doing absolutely nothing in the area while he's on the clock.

He's also a master of charging the company for mass hours of overtime each week that he didn't work. It's amazing nobody has caught on to his scheme yet, Tiny has been able to easily get away with ripping the company off for a very long time.

I get the feeling he knows what he is doing is wrong but he's deliberately trying to stall Mini-Rel projects from the R&D labs anyway just so he can cash in.

I don't know how to handle this. The Mini-Rel test area could be turned around and back on schedule in a few days if Tiny wasn't here. I'm convinced of that.

Tiny is a kiss ass supreme,

I mean he should get a medal for being one of the smoothest liars I have ever run across when it comes to snowjobbing supervisors.

I will give him credit for that.

He has management's ear so if I try to approach the boss about this situation it will probably backfire on me.

At the same time though Tiny's antics are so disgusting I'm having a difficult time watching him get away with this crap.

For now, I guess I'll just fuck with him a whole bunch and see if maybe he snaps out of it.

Two days ago Tiny announced to me we needed more shelving for storage.

I disagreed and told him he should start sharing whatever drugs he's on with me because he is so completely high.

We've already got tons of storage space for work in progress and supplies like instrument covers. In fact there are so many shelf units going unused right now that a nice layer of dust has formed on them. Regardless of my protests

Tiny went scouring around Building 2 hallways with heavy tools to unbolt a few ten foot tall shelf units and then drag them back to our department.

I half-heartedly helped him get the first of his extra shelves while reminding him that I could have been spending my time more wisely in the E-lab or working the chambers. It was a feeble attempt to make him feel guilty.

The second afternoon of extra shelf mayhem I gave up on him and just let him do his thing. He was going to do it anyway.

Today I came in to work and found him sitting in front of a Combo Mod station at one of the chambers that had seized up.

As usual everything was exactly where I had left it the night before, Tiny didn't do a damn thing to help move instruments forward in the test process.

At the Combo Mod rack Tiny was busy tapping away on the station's keyboard altering lines of software code. He had a look of seriousness on his brow while he edited code. Out of curiosity I asked him how long he had spent being a code monkey trying to fix the station.

At least three or four hours, was his response. I practically blew my stack.

See, Tiny is only an electronic technician here and not even a very good one at that.

He knows little to nothing about software code. I was instantly worried his code tinkering might have made the downed station even worse.

I have a policy that if I cannot fix a problem on my own in a reasonable amount of time then it obviously requires more skilled help from an appropriate resource. Say for example if I had been the person to discover that Combo Mod station had jacked itself up I would methodically go over about an hour's worth of troubleshooting. By then I would have it narrowed down to a software issue or a hardware issue.

At that point it's time to pick up the phone and call engineering to have the experts come out and deal with it. Ultimately this saves everybody a whole heap of trouble. Tiny just can't get with it.

I guess he thinks he's some sort of software engineer all of a sudden. Idiot.

Maybe by next Tuesday he'll finally call someone who actually knows how to fix this shit.

tom bannash likes lying

Ya at thermotron .. hil sysbesma told me that tom bannach found it difficult to "pull the wool over my eyes" because i didn't believe his LIES...

tom patterson told me that .. jim Roulofs who is now at ESPEC .. says that it is still the same at thermotron..

The customer is a client that is to be taken advantage of...(and co-worker)

put a straw into his head.. and suck out his brain until his skull "caves in"

or a the Field SALES engineer's said ... GET the customer drunk and find out how much budget he really has to spend!!

It's kinda like the ESCORT BUSINESS...

tell then wnat "ever they want to hear " but try no to ever have to "PUT OUT"

this is like tamera kennedy.. does in human resourses..

her job "REALLY" IS TO DRAW U IN.. to the web of deceite..

WITHOUT.. ever having to "PUT OUT"


Gregory V Johnson .. a typical thermotron tom bannach pet..

robbed the customers and his co workers.. and libled and slandered his co-workers.

when i spoke to Randy Bunn at ENSECO who hired him next.. they fired him after a few months.. for robbery thieft and embezzlement..


bannash would sent co-workers to lie to other co-workers,..

what a evil holland michigan church goer...he is..

Wednesday, July 16, 2008



AT thermotron tom bannash taught gregory v johnson how to be a vamire..

they bragged that it does not matter what U do to anyone

so long as u get away with it!!

gregory v johnson is now living in citrus heights out side of sacremento california..

doing who he enjoys most .. lying and stealing..

and tom bannash is now with Mammoth in holland michigan..doing what he enjoys most..

lying and deceiving and defrauding his co-workers..

boom boom U R gone

Ya thermotron has a high turn-OVer .. in the FIELD..

becaause in holland they believe their OWN lies..

and they are lUCky to work at thermotron


"We have made some CHANGES sence THEN"!!! LUCKY

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

thermotron bull shit

can U tell if a thermotron employee is giving U bull shit?

At litton they would say ... HEY ... R they "BLOWING SMOKE UP MY ASS??"

Yes ... as BOBless .. Wiley said... just get the customer to sign of on the equipment.. it dosen't matter if it works ... just tell them we willl "cover THIS UNDER WARRENTY !!!

and then "IT'S THE SLOW ROLL!!"

holland michigan christians

join our religion.. holland dutch and christian reformed..

It's OK 2 lie ..cheat and embezzle... cuZZZZzz every 1 is like that

when it comes 2 beliving in God and the BIBLE.. .. Hollander's hold the record with the Roman Catholic pervert's

WORSHIp MEmmmmm ask danny....... okeefe......

Sure other religions have thousands of years of tradition and millions of followers but that is their greatest weakness. This is the best part about worshiping the CyberSpaceKing. No longer will you need to memorize ancient texts or learn difficult rituals.

With our bold new religion, you take the drivers seat, you decide how seriously devoted you need to be, you decide how often to pray and you decide what kind of rules you should live by. It’s up to you how much you want to devote yourself to your new religion, all we require is that you worship the CyberSpaceKing© and pay tribute by sending cash.

Worship Me, I am A Star at thermotron

thermotron former employee

Ya the joy of a career at thermotron.. is that eventually U will be a Former employee

I guess i was luckly that many people were up front when i was writing my thesis.. and broke the "code of silence.."

i was surprised to find the "Clock" man (bill arvo)..out of detroit from old thermotron sales man is NOT hard to come by. i guess he forgot he is a sales man and as Mike Barrs said

"U know when a sales man is lying"

because his lips are moving.

but i found it puzzling that he didn't know that most of his co-workers who i worked with didn't follow his policy.. as he was obviously in the DARK

Hil syspesma and other's referred to Tom Bannish as the "Spineless Gutless Wonder"
this is becsues he is a Passave Agressive Back stabbing Slander..

Dean tripp told me that re really didn't have the "Character to be a manager"

(and theat he was a embezzler and liar and back stabber when he worked for HIM!)

I pretty much figured that no matter what he said it was a lie..

the people i worked with under bannish mocked their co-workers behind their back for trying to live an honest life, or trying to do a good job.

(they said it didn't matter what you did to anyone so long as u got away with it and blamed it on some one else)

gregory v johnson spent 3 years stealing and robbing the customer and he robbed everything.. out of the office he worked out of. As hil sysbesma said he had tom bannish "around his little finger"

he was a neighborhood bugler and thief before working at mongumory wards and thermotron....

he robbed about 50,000 over the 3 year period at thermotron..

i asked roger cannary, tom bannish, and dan okeefe and even dave waterfield what thermotron budged for thief and embezzlement.

they got mad at me .. and sent me nasty memo's.
and said i thought i was better them them.. because i deceite robbery and embezzlement was wrong ..(also lying)

hil sysbesmahe said he wasn't as big of thief as hil sysbesma, and hil said he wasn't as big of thief as some guy called "newville" who went into sales.. just like hil.!

and dan okeefe filed a 1.2 million dollar law suit against hil when he quit.. because he wasn't allowed to work in the industry.. etc..

Dave durham the electrican called me "squeeky" and he considered it wrong for some one to expose his embezzling.. dick alverson ( texas office) told me it was common knowledge that he and john tenbrikn.. would lie abooout their co workers.. but smile to their faces..

(but was quick to put a blade in someone back)

It was pretty horriable working with such a group of back stabbers,liers,theves and embezzelers..decevers (enough to last a life time)

As Bill Wybenga in accounting once told me it is easy to get people to lie for you at thermotron.

I didn't know it was a planned business profile.. funny none of the business classes .. used that .. model..

Interesting that They the holland church goers, the Dutch and Christian reformed teach the it is the "Broad Path that leads to eternal life with Jesus not the Narrow Path"

As Tom Bannish sent out christmas cards every year the said "Jesus died for my sins"

But Jesus said "whoever does what i have commaned are my deciples"

so tom bannish like many at thermotron are going to Hell.. no big loss.

When the satan deciple told tom bannish that if he "would follow his values and worship him" (he could be in management !!) tom bannish behavior demenstrated his decision!!

It's ok to be currupt!!

tom bannish said he has more respect for people who are liars and who do "it " the hard way.

So happy new new year to u tooo

Posted by chamberguy at 6:42 AM
envirotom chamber said...
are all these people criminal psycopths ?

or are they socialpaths ?

mitch kerr at alltempengineering ,
bragged that he knew the people at thermotron were backstabbing their c-workers and were "always looking for DiRt"

and he just looked the other way..

if u asked him for insite or help

thermotron BUll..SHhh,,*t

AT thermotron
B I G B Ull SHeeee...tits is the answer..

It's jUSt An aCt

alltempengineering and thermotron

Hello john dane

Do u know any one in the enviromental chamber business with good moral's?

tom bannash bragged U guy were stupid and would believe any lies he said, and bragged at what a back stabber he was..

He said U were just like him..! AND IT'S OK TO BE CURRUPT

Dean tripp said .. TB .. was a dishonest lierand thief when he worked with U.. is that true?

HIl sysbesma told me he has the same problem as tom bannash..

(can u figure it out?)

and Fred Plont.. said U are just like him,, and he brags at what a liar and embezzler he is..

and he didn't need to work for ENSECO for randy BUNn .. and make the BIG money in the union.. because he only worked 3 or 4 hours a day and charged thermotron for 8 to 12 hours a day..

MITCH kerr.. bragged to me that he believes what ever lies these perverts say..

and that they were BACK stabbing me.. WOW .. mitch is a heck of a guy....

it's no wonder that fred plont and others call mitch ..."mitch the MORON.. and the IDOIT follower...

WELL mitch told me he told tom bannash that he was going to "make more money then TB"

WOW i am sure that kept tom bannash up at night!!

Because .. bragged u guys would believe any of his lies..

it's not about the money .. it about the lies..

Fred said ..mitch and john are his "FRIENDS"

but ..."BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" besides they "think" they are better than other people.!!

TOM PATTERSON .. seems to be the only man i worked with that admits that his job was to lie and cheat deceive and defraud his co-worker

When i talked to randy Bunn.. before he went out of business.. i was surprised to lear the different lies he believed..

and because he and his father didn't hire .. QUALIFIED employees .. it was no surprise that he went out of business..

as i told him.. thermotron required and encouraged their people to lie to each other and steal and embezzle..

FIND A pet at thermotron and u locate an embezzler and a liar

thanks.. PPP

moral degeneration
moral degeneration

As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.

Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.

Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,

that the "President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another,

who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".

What this tells you is that these people have the same

Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,

the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.

I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.

But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?

And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",

or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?
posted by thermotron at 9:00 AM 0 comments links to this post

moral degeneration thermotron
moral degeneration

moral degeneration

As we said before, Satanism is much more than being hooded in a coven during a Full Moon ceremony.

Satanism is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, as we have already shown. Once you understand the truth that today's America is encouraging indulgence in all matters of the flesh, you will understand that we are already prepared to accept Antichrist.

Now, we can understand the sentiment uttered above, by a college senior,

that the "President's sex life is none of our business",

or that sentiment uttered by another,

who said that the President's sex life is "irrelevant to performing his job".

What this tells you is that these people have the same

Satanic personal values as does President Clinton.

Since so many Americans apparently share this value system,

the "sheep are ready to shear", i.e., the American people are ready to be enslaved under Antichrist.

I think you have gotten the point by now. America has changed her formerly Christian values to Satanic ones, without any one understanding what has happened.

But, now that you know, can you see that President Clinton is merely acting out in his life, in his body, the normal inclinations for any good Satanist?

And, can you see that those people who think what he is doing is "normal",

or who excuse it in any way, or who express their desire to sleep with the President, are also subscribing to Satanism?

DO U believe US nOW !!

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