Tuesday, September 30, 2008

liar like Uuu

I'd Rather Be A Sinner Than A Liar Like You
Dreaded lies and stories that you spilled

Did nothing, but put a curse upon yourself

Quick, the hour glass is running out of sand

And your hands are stained with blood from the hearts you slit

Bend the lies around your spine

Let them slowly enter you into mercy

Lace your lungs with nicotine

Drink your daily glass of misery

All of the memories that we cherished

Formed into dust and vanished in mid air

Don't expect me to be there to pitty you

I'm done with everything that invovles being with you

A new person has formed inside of me

As your soul loses it's glowing light

Monday, September 22, 2008

roger cannary former manager thermotron

Roger Cannady E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc

Greenville, North Carolina Area
Send InMail Add Roger to your network

Current E-learning, Multimedia Developer at NMHG Inc
Past President at Cannady & Associates
National Service Manager at Thermotron
Pilot at USAF
Education Craig AFB, AL
University of Missouri-Rolla
Webster Groves High School

what bullshit Do U believe..

ask the people at thermotron what they thought of Roger Cannary and his skills..

I have never worked with a BIGGER group of liars thieves and embezzlers .. then when he was at THERMOTRON.. i can't imagine why Daniel J O'keefe FIRED him..

When roger was asked by a co-worker.. "why he allowed people to embezzle?" he got flustered.. n said.. do U think i just sign these work orders?.. Yes.. SIR !!..
... U do.!!

ask gregory v johnson about the embezzlement rate... he bragged that he was not as big of thief as hil sysybesma..

Carmichael, CA
Citrus Heights, CA

Another employee was threatened .. with .,, firing .. because a co-worker told roger that they were looking at other employment opportunities....

Roger accused his co-workers.. of .. not "knowing how to COMMUNICATE" .. as if he was still in the military.. unless U told him what ever he wanted to hear..


Hey, you're blocking my tan, asshole

Roger Cannary was very good at dominating .. 18 year old .. boys.. with no training and no skills..

He let thomas bannach.. "DO HIS THING".... as the West Coast Manager ;;

Hil sysbesma said .. Roger Cannary.. wasn't in the INNer CirCle!!

Submitted by Tammy Morales on Tue, 08/26/2008 - 12:17pm.
in Site News
Hi Inner Circle Members,

First my apologies for the delay in getting the photo gallery back up and running.

We are working on making to more user friendly and easier to search.

Excellent at bullshitting management,

design, development, with NO communication, and NO training skills.

Over 20 years trying to get experience as a lying manager, instructional de...sign;;er, e-learning developer, NON-curriculum developer, platform trainer, and smiling consultant.

Outstanding IN THE RAIN “Hands On” technical abilities WHICH was not evident when roger was training at thermotron and subject matter expertise in a wide range of bull shit subject areas:

•Human Performance Improvement, Process Improvement and Quality Management.

•Industrial Skills Training (filled with HUH?, What?, WHO said?),

Project Coordination ( skilled with thomas bannach at LItton industries in california) who said (don't send that ASS Hole here again !!),

Testing, Commissioning and Startup was NOT his best fit..

what kind of JUNK is this??

Bullshit (also bullcrap, bullplop, or horseshit) is a common English expletive. It may be shortened to "bull" or the euphemism bs.

The term is common in American English. In British English, bollocks is a comparable expletive, although bullshit is now a commonly used expletive in British English as well.

As with many expletives, it can be used as an interjection (or in many other parts of speech) and can carry a wide variety of meanings.

Most commonly, it is used in connection with incorrect, misleading, or false language and statements.

While the word is generally used in a deprecating sense, it may imply a measure of respect for language skills, or frivolity, among various other benign usages.

In popular philosophy, Harry Frankfurt among others described the word bullshit as related to but distinct from lying. Proponents of Analytical Marxism used the word as well.

But he figured out how to use a computer!!! WOW..

•Software skills: MS Office, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Premier Pro CS3, Sony Sound Forge 9, Macromedia Flash 8, Captivate, Articulate, 3DVia – Seemage, Bunkspeed, Audacity, Win XP and Fuji Hyper Utility 2.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ask john tenbrink .. ... envirotronics

On over-indulgence with drink, to the extent of becoming a beast:

"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

Anecdotes of the Rvd Percival Stockdale (reprinted in "Johnsonian Miscellanies", edited by G.B. Hill).

john tenbrink willll teach and model a real man's man in holland michigan and envirotronics..

ask the people he worked with at thermotron.. or ESPEC

Mr. John TenBrink has been appointed to the position of National Sales Manager.

John’s thirty years of experience in virtually every aspect

( ya , he sure could solder pipe !)

<< Instruction on how to soder copper pipe - Fix-it Forum: Home .

..The solder is not drawing into the fitting.

I am using BernzOmatic water soluble flux and lead free solder, all connection are clean, the solder melts but.

www.bobvila.com/wwwboard/messages/166386.html - 22k - Cached - Similar pages>>>

Oh ya to continue about..... Good OLD .. Johnny boy...
of the Test Chamber Industry (20 years at Envirotronics) make him the ideal choice for this post at Envirotronics. (everybody else quit)

We are pleased to have him in this position and look forward to the benefit of his guidance in our sales department. (what do U expect us 2 say ?)

I called on Dr. Johnson one morning, when Mrs. Williams, the blind lady, was conversing with him.

She was telling him where she had dined the day before.

"There were several gentlemen there," said she, "and when some of them came to the tea-table, I found that there had been a good deal of hard drinking."

She closed this observation with a common and trite moral reflection; which, indeed, is very ill-founded, and does great injustice to animals --

"I wonder what pleasure men can take in making beasts of themselves."

"I wonder, Madam," replied the Doctor,

"that you have not penetration to see the strong inducement to this excess;

for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."

Anecdotes of the Revd. Percival Stockdale; collected in "Johnsonian Miscellanies," edited by G.B. Hill.

holland michigan christian whores

The world and the Christian church are quickly witnessing the creation of a "god' that all unholy men can worship.

There is an invasion into the church of this "god".

He is Christian in appearance in holland Michigan without being Christian in Biblical theology.

His is a kind of hybrid Christianity with a pious facade that already has millions of church members quickly offering their souls.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

R U a company maN ?

when hil sysbesma .. was lying and deceiving his co-workers at thermotron.. he bragged that he was a companY mAn !!!.. because a maN goA dO .. 2 U what a maNs go 2 DO..
Hil Sybesma - Direct - Regional Sales Manager
Tenney: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado (Environmental Products)

13435 Sage Meadow Lane | Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone: 760-751-2505 | Email: hil.sybesma@tps.spx.com

Hil Sybesma - Direct - Regional Sales Manager
Tenney: South America

13435 Sage Meadow Lane | Valley Center, CA 92082
Phone: 760-751-2505 | Email: hil.sybesma@tps.spx.com

Sunday, September 7, 2008

have U been FooleD ??

remember just tell thermotron management ANY THING.. they want to hear...

it dosen't matter if it is true or NOT..!!

January 2, 2008


SatAn rules

miners, jewelers, those that work with metals or minerals, geologists,

people that work with the earth-farmers and workers, gardeners, trenches and quarries, grave diggers and people who work in caves and tunnels-subways.

Plumbers {lead traditionally} general labouers and contractors, leather workers. People whose jobs occur in cold, dark places {clubs?} or otherwise unpleasant places.

Night workers, anyone who works in jobs relating to the dead, bereavment and funeral trade people. People who clear dirt and refuse, sewage, waste disposal.

Also any highly responsible manager, prison workers, and the police force, those who keep order.

Monks and hermits, scholars and those who live in secluded outposts or isolate themselves from society are all under Satan’s rule.

remember.. just tell the thermotron management anything they want 2 hear..

(that's really what your job is!!)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

religion in holland michigan

holland michigan whores

roll man catholic

Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: "As children of God, Our Lady of the Lake Parishioners are drawn together from diverse backgrounds by our Catholic faith. We are a joyful, emerging community, sharing our gifts and growing in our understanding and practice of the Gospel of Christ, while worshipping, celebrating, and learning together."

DIME a dozen

Daniel J. O'Keefe home pageDaniel J. O’Keefe Professor Department of Communication Studies Northwestern University. Classes for Fall 2008 Communication Studies 205-0: Theories of ...
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Daniel J. O'Keefe publicationsReview of Berlinski’s On system analysis and Phillips’ Holistic thought in social science. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 63, 469-470. Daniel J. O’Keefe home ...
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Daniel J. O'Keefe research interestsDaniel J. O’Keefe Professor Department of Communication Studies Northwestern University. STATEMENT OF RESEARCH INTERESTS. My research record includes work ...
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More results from www.dokeefe.net »

Daniel J. O'Keefe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaDaniel J. O'Keefe (b. 1950) is an American communication and argumentation theory scholar. He is a Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at ...
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SAGE - the natural home for authors, editors and societies ...Daniel J. O'Keefe. Affiliations:. - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ... Theory and Research,

Daniel J. O'Keefe, 01-24-2002, $61.95 ...
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Amazon.com: Persuasion: Theory and Research (Current Communication ...by Daniel J. O'Keefe (Author) "This book surveys social-scientific theory and research concerning persuasive communication..." (more) ...
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Persuasion - Daniel J. O'Keefe - Books - zavvi UKPersuasion from zavvi UK. Cheap prices on books and free delivery!
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Persuasion: Theory and Research : Daniel J. O'Keefe : ISBN ...Now available in paperback, the Second Edition of this successful text continues to provide a thorough and critical treatment of persuasion theory and ...
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Adult Faith
Mission Statement:
To provide for the growth, support and enrichment of the Adult Faith Ministry members of Our Lady of the Lake Parish. Through a variety of Adult Faith formation and enrichment opportunities, Retreats and Marriage Preparation, we minister to one another, enabling each member of the parish to realize his/her call to holiness and service, within the context of a supportive Christian community.

Basics & R.C.I.A.
Basics in the Faith Series
Held every year in late Summer and Winter.

Next session begins Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at the Corpus Christi Center from 6:30-8:00 pm and runs the next four Wednesdays. See Bulletin for topics or pick up a flyer in the kiosk.

R.C.I.A. (Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults)
-The process by which adults become members of the Roman Catholic Church.

The inquirers in RCIA are asking challenging questions. Could you answer them? What does “liturgy” mean? Are people that don’t believe in Jesus Christ going to heaven? There’s a great book in the library called, “Why do Catholics?” It has wonderful short responses to many of questions that inquirers want to know. It is also good for Catholics who wonder the same things. Know anyone who is considering joining us? It’s not too late to start. We meet Thursdays at 7PM in the A/B room at church. Contact Mary Wernet in the office.

Adult Faith Formation
Sacramental Preparation for Adults
-Parents of children eligible for the reception of the sacraments.
-Adults eligible to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
-Engaged Couples preparing for Marriage.
-RCIA process for baptized and un-baptized.

Marriage Preparation Workshops
-Fall and Spring
-Friday evening and Saturday

Library for Adults
-Spiritual and Religious books, magazines, videotapes and audiotapes

Corpus Christi Center
Sunday and Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 8:00pm.
-Variety of faith enrichment programs and classes.
-Co-sponsored with St. Francis de Sales parish

Retreat Program
Yearly retreats:
-Women's Day and weekend retreats.
-Men's Day and weekend retreats.

Commission Ministries
-Marriage Anniversary Celebration
-Marriage Preparation
-Softball - Spring/Summer League
-Spiritual Life - variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and development.

Barb and Bill Krater
Liturgical Coordinators
616.399.1062 ext. 112
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roll man catholic

Mortal sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Roman Catholic teaching on mortal sin was called into question by some within the Church in the late 20th century after the Second Vatican Council. ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_sin - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Mortal sin, according to the beliefs of Roman Catholicism, and some Protestant denominations, is a sin that, unless confessed and absolved (or at least sacramental confession is willed if not available), condemns a person's soul to Hell after death. These sins are considered "mortal" because they constitute a rupture in a person's link to God's saving grace: the person's soul becomes "dead", not merely weakened. The phrase is used in I John 5.16 -17: "If you see your brother or sister committing what is not a mortal sin, you will ask, and God will give life to such a one - to those whose sin is not mortal. There is sin that is mortal; I do not say you should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that is not mortal." (NRSV)

In Roman Catholic moral theology, a mortal sin, as distinct from a venial sin, must meet all of the following conditions:

its subject must be a grave (or serious) matter;
it must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense (though nobody is deemed to be ignorant of the moral law, embedded into the consciences of every human being);
it must be committed with deliberate and complete consent, enough for it to have been a personal decision to commit the sin.
The Catechism defines grave matter as "violations of what Jesus told to the man who asked him what the most inportant commandments were, namely, "do not kill", "do not steal", "do not commit adultery", "do not bear false witness", "do not defraud" and "honour your father and your mother".[1]All of these, however, are subject both to the conditions above and to mitigating circumstances (like mental illness, emotional or behavioral disturbance, insanity, retardation, young age, affective immaturity, or developmental disorders) of the individual situation. The Church itself does not provide a precise list of sins, subdivided into the mortal and venial categories. Rather, it is generally considered a matter for a well-formed conscience to decide after a comprehensive, prayer-filled, deliberate examination of conscience. These sins must be specifically confessed and named, giving details about the context of each sin: what sin, why, against what or whom, the number and type of occurrences, and any other factors that may exacerbate or lessen one's responsibility and culpability. It also should not be said that certain of these mortal sins, like purposely missing Mass on Sunday is considered equal in gravity to more grave ones, like first-degree murder: Roman Catholic belief holds that mortal sins can vary somewhat in their seriousness, and thus canon law only criminalizes some of the more serious mortal sins. However, for any sins that lack the above mitigating factors and meet the three criteria listed, the "mortal" effect remains present.

This punishment effect is not the same as that resulting from excommunication or penalties like it, which result when a Roman Catholic commits certain mortal sins that are so serious that the church through law has made them crimes, like abortion or heresy. Because commission of these offenses are so serious, the church forbids the excommunicated from receiving any sacrament (not just the Eucharist) and also severely restricts the person's participation in other church liturgical acts and offices. However, even if excommunicated, a Roman Catholic who has not been juridically absolved is still, due to the irrevocable nature of baptism, a member of the church in the sense that they are still considered members of the "church" that is Christ's human family, another more universal interpretation of the word "Catholic."

Some of these crimes are so serious that they merit not imposed, but automatic, excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. For this or any related formal penalty to be imposed, one must be aware not only of the seriousness of the offense as a mortal sin,[citation needed] but also of the penalty that is incurred,[citation needed] though this is sometimes more apparent in certain contexts.

Mortal sins are not to be confused with the deadly sins. The latter are not sins but rather categories of sin or vice, corresponding to weaknesses in human nature. Mortal sins may also be called "grave", "grievous" or "serious" sins.

The Roman Catholic teaching on mortal sin was called into question by some within the Church in the late 20th century after the Second Vatican Council. In response to these doubts, Pope John Paul II reaffirmed the basic teaching in his encyclical Veritatis Splendor. It is maintained in the current Catechism of the Catholic Church, which says in section 1035, "Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell."

The Eastern Catholic Churches, which derive their theology and spirituality from same sources as the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox, do not use the Latin Catholic distinction between mortal and venial sin, though insofar as it is the doctrine of the Church they hold it. Like the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, the Eastern Catholic Churches do make a distinction between sins that are serious enough to bar one from receiving Communion (and must be confessed before receiving once again) and those which are not sufficiently serious to do so.

Friday, September 5, 2008

John 3:19 and men loved the darkness


Ephesians 4:18 being darkened in their understanding excluded from the life of God
because of the ignorance that is in them
because of the hardness of their heart

John 3:19 and men loved the darkness
rather than the light; for their deeds were evil

I saw the lighting streak across the sky
the night was blood red as the evening died.
stars were falling like the tears were cried
So i called to you Lord, called out to you

I felt the thunder beneath my feet
the earth was alive with an ancient beat
I knew the sky would be crying soon
So, i reached out to you Lord

I couldn't sleep thunder filled the air
the ground trembled as the wind howled
the night sky was all silver and gold
do you feel the darkness too ?
do you feel the dark ?

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

I heard the silence speaking to me
saw the shadows hidden in the trees
felt the wind as it sang a mystery(surrounded me)
so i called to you Lord, ya i called to you

No one listens Lord an its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so sad that to live we must die
Can they feel the darkness too ?
Do they feel the dark ?

How long can a fool hide inside ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long until the spirt begins to rise ?
do you feel the darkness too,
can you feel at all ?

I reached out an felt the chill in the air
saw the darkness that had captured you
the light I saw was outside your soul
can you see in the darkness too ?
can you really see at all ?

(or ) NO 1 cares

But no one cares and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies it's so sad that to live we must die
do you feel the darkness too ?
can you feel at all ?

But you could not hear me
there was nothing to do
the lies you believed
Well, they surrounded you

you were lost
inside a twisted reality (dream)
can't you see the darkness now
can you see at all ?

You were lost so no one could reach you
darkness creep into you soul
you spent the days listening to some fool
but i reached out to you

How long can a fool hide away ?
How long will that wise man speak his lies ?
How long will darkness blind your eyes ?
Can you see in the Darkness now?
can't you see the light ?

But you couldn't hear
so there was nothing to say
the lies you believed just got in the way
the light I saw was outside your soul
So i called to you Lord

But no one listens Lord and its useless to try
the spirt is willing but the mind loves its lies
it's so true that to live we must die
they all love the darkness now ?
they embrace the dark ?

Romans 1:25
for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie
R 1:22 professing to be wise they became fools

Eph. 4: 14 for we are no longer children
tossed here an there and carried about
by every wind of doctrine, by trickery of men
by craftiness in deceitful scheming.

PST.0 CPY. WRT 4-92

how 2 be a holland gay boy

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

before N After (tamera kennedy)

Ya thermotron can change your L IF e

just ask.. a former employee.... befoe\re i was an UN-employed fellon..

and i pay..ed my price to society..

Now i have a job.. .. thermotron gave me a hand up.. to the next level/...

and i didn't have 2 lie 2 much on my application..

they said i would FIT in just f IN e

so now i M a

s M I l e ....in g F O O L